It's time for a giveaway!!!
FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe has offered 2 choices for their giveaway!
- 3 items of your choice from their shop (excluding car seat canopies) OR
- 1 Car Seat Canopy of your choice
Here is some more about FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe
- When I started Funky PolkaDot Giraffe over 2 years ago I was making burp cloths and diaper/wipe caddies. I only had a little boy and didn't have much need for bows or clips. I chose the name Funky Polkadot Giraffe because my son ADORES giraffes and I love polka dots and we're a little funky, so it fit us perfectly. When I found out in June of 2008 that I was having a girl my wheels started turning and I started making bows. I started with korkers and it has evolved from there. I owe most everything I know about bow making to my friend Ashby - she's a great teacher and tutorial writer. From there is has snowballed and I started making headbands, princess clips, seasonal ribbon art creations (like my Turkey, Snowman, and Chocolate Bunny). It's been a fun and exciting journey into the creative - there are so many things I want to make, but only so many hours in the day!
- In addition to bows I also make car seat canopies - because they were a big hit at baby showers. My friend told me the other day - "This is my most favorite gift ever!" The car seat canopies keep strange hands from being tempted to touch your precious new baby, give them some place dark and quiet to nap, protect from the elements, and don't blow away or fall off like a blanket thrown over the top does. Bows can be added to the straps at no additional charge.

My camera strap slipcovers come padded at no extra charge. My thinking with the strap covers is - you have the fancy dancy camera - you need a fancy dancy strap to match it! Custom orders are welcome and I love working with customers to make something special they'll love.
- I've been married to the love of my life for almost 9 years and it's gone by in the blink of an eye. I used to be a second grade teacher and I believe second grade is the magic year! I love to read, craft, play with my kids and hang out with my fab friends.
Ways To Enter:
- Leave a comment on this blog about what your favorite items are from FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe's shop.. and the other ways you have entered!
- Follow This Blog
- Heart FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe on Etsy
- Like PurdyThings on Facebook
- Heart PurdyThings on Etsy
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
Drawing will be done on Monday July 12th, 2010
My fave item in the Purdy Things Shop is the Chocolate Brown Bear Ears Crochet Beanie with Earflaps, so cute!
Atoxim at gmail dot com
I'm a liker on Facebook too
Atoxim at gmail dot com
And I also follow this blog
Atoxim at gmail dot com
LOve this slouchy celery colored beanie in your shop :)
I like you on facebook
I heart your shop
i heart funkypolkadotgiraffe
i follow this blog too :)
Pink and Brown Strawberry Chocolate Korker Bow and the tinkerbell hair clippies are my favorite!!!
Hi Becky!
Ok so hopefully I'm doing this right!
~I Love the headbands with the black flowers! Of course the camera straps are FABULOUS.....oh and the Minnie Mouse clippy was sooooo creative!!!
~I {hearted} both of ya guys (doegirl6527) Becky I didn't know you could do that, or I would of done that a LONG time ago :P
~Im following your bloggity blog! <3
I like the royal blue ribbon clip!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
Oh, I can't tell you how I'd love to win this one!! :) I love all of her hair clips & I adore her camera strap covers!!!
My email's in my profile. :)
I love the Red Ribbon Flower Clippie - there's SO much cute stuff to choose from!
yepfinleywedding at gmail dot com
I love the frayed fabric headbands, those are so unique and cute!! at hotmail dot com
I love the Pink and Brown Strawberry Chocolate Korker Bow, the Ribbon Sunflower Daisy Flower Hair Clippie Clip, and The Nemo Aqua Blue Orange White Korker Bow
angelwcamowings at
follower of your blog
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♥ FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe on Etsy
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♥ PurdyThings on Etsy
angelwcamowings at
I think that the Black and White Ribbon Flower Headband is adorable!!
I really love the robbon headbands - so much I might actually buy some!
I love the Punky Girl Pink and Black Korker Bow! Thanks for entering me into this giveaway!
I love the brown and coral car seat cover!
I hearted this shop on Etsy - so many great items!!
I became a fan on facebook :)
Oh! I also hearted funkypolkadotgiraffe on Etsy
I love the Red and Navy Flag hairband! Supercute!
I love the disney princess stuff!
Escpecially Mulan, Jasmine and Tiana hairclips!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
I follow Purdy things via gfc!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
Hearted Funky polkadot giraffe!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
Hearted Purdy things!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
love the Pink Polka Dot funky fabric flower
just became a blog follower
I love all the hair clippies, they are so cute and adorable. My favorite is the Chocolate Bunny Rabbit, the Little Miss Mouse and Tinkerbell, really really sweet!
I'm a gfc follower, thanks for the lovely giveaway.
my favorite is the Funky Fabric Flower Hair Clip - Pink Polkadot!
I hearted funkypolkadotgiraffe on etsy!
I hearted purdy things on etsy!
I really like the Tinkerbell Princess hairclip.
naturemanipulated AT hotmail DOT com
my fav items on funky polka dot giraffe are ALL of the Disney princess clippies
I like funky polka dot giraffe on fb
I like purdy things on fb
I made purdy things my fav on etsy
I made funky polka dot giraffe a fav on etsy
I love all the Princess hair clips. My favourite is the Cinderella Princess Hair Clippie. :)
I follow Purdy Things blog.
I hearted FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe on etsy.
I hearted PurdyThings on etsy.
i follow this blog at gmail dot com
this is my fav item-
Black and White Ribbon Flower Headband
my favorite items on funky polkadot giraffe are the Princess clips
I like purdy things on fb
I like the car seat canopys!
I love the Funky Frayed Fabric Flower Headband - Red Navy Flags.
I love the Black and White Ribbon Flower Headband and the White Chocolate Bunny Rabbit Hair Clip!
I like PurdyThings on Facebook!
LOVE this shop! Esp. the fabric flower hair cute!
I love the tinkerbell princess hair clip and the chocolate chip cupcake clip.
I love the sunny yellow ribbon hair clippie, but then, I love it all!
I'm a Purdy Things blog follower!
I heart Funky Polkadot Giraffe on Etsy.
I like Purdy Things on FB.
I love the princess hair clips! The little mermaid one is my favorite ☺ The itty bitty bow clips are adorable too!
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I follow your blog on GFC as Jenny Bolech!
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I hearted funky polkadot giraffe as JennyBolech
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I hearted purdy things as JennyBolech!
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I’m a facebook fan as Jenny Bolech!
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
My favourite item is the Cute Cupcake Clippie.
I am a google friend follower.
I Heart FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe on Etsy.
I like PurdyThings on facebook.
I heart purdy on etsy.
My favorites are the Sunny Yellow Polka Dot Flower Hair Clippie, the Black & White Flower Ribbon Hair Clip & the Royal Blue Ribbon Flower Clippies...and everything else!
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
I'm following your blog.
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
I hearted FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe (smrtmouse).
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
I hearted PurdyThings (smrtmouse).
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
My favorite is the Funky Pink Polka Dot Ribbon Flower Headband!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I follow this blog!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I hearted FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe on Etsy (as SilkLotus)
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I like PurdyThings on Facebook (as Alli Tsao)
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I hearted PurdyThings on Etsy (as SilkLotus)
northssclub at yahoo dot com
My faovrite item is Itty Bitty Bow Clippie Clips Set of Two Ice Blue and White
hindandhare [at] hotmail [dot] fr
I adore-
samyrocks92 at msn dot com
I follow This Blog
I heart FunkyPolkaDotGiraffe on Etsy
I like PurdyThings on Facebook
I heart PurdyThings on Etsy
I am a follower
I love everything in that Etsy store!!
Love this shop!! So many cute things... seriously - car seat canopies - camera straps - ALL of it!! My favorites are the themed hair clips (bunny rabbits, snow men, etc...)
I also follow with GFC!
mandm_2002 at hotmail dot com
My favourite items are the Funky Pink Polka Dot Ribbon Flower Headband and the Ribbon Daisy Flower Hair Clippie.
cwilliams127 at gmail dot com
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